Welcome to TechWorks!
TechWorks! is open for small group tours by advance reservation. To arrange a guided tour call 607-723-8600 or email info@ctandi.org TechWorks! is geared for teens & adults. Younger children - please bring your parents with you.
Staff are available by email, onsite most mornings Link Team works Tues/Thurs mornings. IBM Team works Wed evenings.
In fond memory of Bob Newhart,(9 Sept 1929 - 18 July 2024) check out his comedy sketch with Herman Hollerith. Herman Hollerith pitches invention of punch card to Acme Newhart Developers - 1970, Bob LeBlanc & Ezra Stone for IBM
https://youtu.be/2eJb3Ee8Xmc?si=QLqor IBi_X7XVZYocDGC
Artifacts in Action
Why TechWorks!? Because tech stuff is cooler than regular stuff. TechWorks! is a Center initiative that showcases central New York State technology in action. TechWorks! is developing from the inside out - first ideas, then artifacts and events, in preparation for a world-class visitor destination where regional innovations past and present can inspire the future.
At TechWorks!, celebrate regional ingenuity by flying Link pilot trainers and a Lockheed Martin helicopter trainer, viewing 3D images using a century of different technologies, playing a Link Nickelodeon, plus operating 1960s computer equipment built at IBM Plant # 1 in Endicott, NY.
321 Water St. Binghamton, NY 13901
607-723-8600 info@ctandi.org